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20 August 2013 News articles

Just like a giddy teenager who can’t keep a secret, we love sharing Brokk stories about how our machines have made a difference for people and businesses in different industries, using them for a range of applications around the world. It makes us even happier when others share our stories, too.

The power and versatility of Brokks have drawn publications like Concrete Openings to Brokk President Lars Lindgren, who shared his knowledge and expertise for an upcoming technical feature.

Concrete Contractor featured Brokk customer True-Line Coring and Cutting out of Tampa, Fla. True-Line shared its story about the challenges it faced when demolishing three 150-foot silos and a 180-foot grain elevator that stood within five feet from several large combustible fuel tanks adjacent to the Port of Tampa. Their Brokk 180 helped the company overcome those challenges safely and efficiently.

The very first issue of Professional Demolition Americas (PDA) magazine, which was just launched this year, features an article highlighting the changes occurring on construction and demolition projects, and how contractors are using Brokk machines in response to these changes.

Stories like these are what shape our company, culture and machines, and have ultimately made Brokk what it is today. Our hope is that they influence those who haven’t used a Brokk before to give one a try and find out how our machines can improve their safety, productivity and bottom lines.

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// The Brokk team