CSDA’s Robotic Demolition Course Features Brokk Training Specialist

The CSDA (Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association) just wrapped up its first Robotic Demolition course, giving members the opportunity to learn more about robotic demolition technology, operation and applications.
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21 March 2016 News articles

The CSDA (Concrete Sawing & Drilling Association) just wrapped up its first Robotic Demolition course, giving members the opportunity to learn more about robotic demolition technology, operation and applications. The course included our own training specialist, August Scalici, as one of the industry experts featured in the three-day event on Jan. 13-15 in Clearwater, Florida.

“It was a rewarding experience to work with operators interested in selective demolition and help them hone in on their skills related to robotic demolition,” Scalici said. “At Brokk, we have a thorough and extensive training process and I enjoyed sharing that knowledge with attendees and helping them better understand the ins and outs of robotic demolition.”

The course included both classroom and hands-on learning, with one day of introductory level training followed by two days of advanced techniques, allowing attendees to improve their abilities with robotic demolition machines. The advanced portion focused on correct operation, maintenance and troubleshooting, and covered the applications of robotic demolition machines on concrete renovation and demolition projects.

“Brokk has a long tradition of training our customers on the proper use and application of our machines,” says Peter Bigwood, Vice President of Sales & Marketing. “We were proud to provide training materials and two of our best trainers (Scalici and Bob McCabe) for this important program. In doing so, we have raised awareness within the CSDA, and provided a very valuable service to their members.”

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